
7 Ways to Control Your Check Ride Destiny

If it feels like the many requirements for your check ride aren't lining up, you are not alone.
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It’s Common Sense: If You Borrow It, Return It

Whether it’s headsets, tools, or teaching supplies, always get permission first and make sure to give them back.
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Keeping It Down to Head Off Noise Complaints

The busier an airport gets the more likely it is that noise abatement procedures will be created.
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How to Keep Your Aviation Library Current

The latest PHAK update incorporates several minor changes, with a new version expected in 2024.
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Keeping Practice Up to Stay Out of That Rut

Without regular practice, skills can grow rusty.
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The Great CFI Lesson Plan Debate

Is it OK for flight instructors to buy lesson plans? Or should they come up with their own?
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Situational Awareness Is Key Inside, Outside the Cockpit

A certified flight instructor offers tips for staying ahead of the aircraft.
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Operations at Nontowered Airports Can Be Tricky

A new FAA AC cautions against performing a straight-in approach to a nontowered airport when there are other aircraft in the pattern.
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What Does It Cost To Earn a Private Pilot Certificate?

There are many variables when it comes to what a client can control and what they can’t.
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When You Find Something Amiss

There's a learning curve to the preflight inspection, which can be intimidating to fledgling pilots.
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