
What Are the Rectangular Things on My Cessna Skylane Elevators?

Airplanes use two types of control-surface balance: aerodynamic and mass.
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Can You Ask to Review Logbooks for Rental Aircraft?

When renting an aircraft, there are certain things you should be looking for in maintenance records.
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Do I Need Renter’s Insurance?

If you have assets to protect, then insurance is a good idea.
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Is the Shift in Tornado Alley Related to Climate Change?

From year to year there may be a stark contrast in where severe weather strikes, especially thunderstorms that produce tornadoes.
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What Does a Pilot Require To Remain Current in an Aircraft Requiring a Type Rating?

The answer to this question can appear to be complicated unless you enjoy reading FAA regulations for amusement.
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Is a Handheld Radio Required for Flying?

Here's why many pilots carry handheld radios in their flight bag.
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How Often Do Airliners Go Around?

Go-arounds aren’t terribly common under Part 121 commercial operations.
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What Do Pilots Need to Know About Temperature Inversions?

Temperature inversions are quite common in the lower troposphere and are created by several different atmospheric processes.
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Can a CFI Applicant Teach Ground School?

Teaching a lesson under the guidance of an experienced CFI is how most instructor candidates learn how to teach.
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Can You Select a DPE for Your Check Ride?

Here's how to find the FAA's list of available DPEs qualified to do the check ride in your area.
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