
When Is VFR Recommended (over IFR)?

VFR with flight following can be the best of both worlds.
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VFR Flight Planning

Back to the basics
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IFR Flight Prep: A Whole New Game

Thanks to the information revolution, new computerized tools have changed the flight-planning process.
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Training: Avoiding Airborne Deviations

Keeping updated on FAR/AIMs can keep you out of trouble.
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EAA Releases AirVenture 2010 NOTAM

A must read for pilots attending this year's event
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Cockpit Organization: It Starts With You

Preflight planning styles are all about attitude.
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Training: Illusions of Hope

Illusions of hope beget bad decisions.
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I Learned About Flying From That: Day of the Daffodils

A flight turns into a first-time encounter with ice.
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Airwork: Where Are You Headin’?

Letting other pilots know where you are heading is more than a courtesy.
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Plan the Flight; Fly the Plan

But be mentally prepared to abandon Plan A when needed.
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