Retrofit Avionics Archives - FLYING Magazine The world's most widely read aviation magazine Thu, 06 Jul 2023 14:25:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Retrofit Avionics Archives - FLYING Magazine 32 32 Auto Flight for Rotorcraft Wed, 05 Jul 2023 20:11:27 +0000 Garmin's new autopilot for the AStar smoothes out the rough edges.

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As we’re walking out to the 1996 Eurocopter AS350 B2 perched on the pad outside Garmin AT’s offices in Salem, Oregon, I naturally head for the right seat. Because to my fixed-wing pilot brain, that’s where the observer sits, the copilot. And as one with only a handful of hours in rotorcraft in total, that’s what I guess I had expected to do on this demo flight—my introduction to Garmin’s GFC 600H for the AStar.

So when Garmin flight test engineer—and experienced rotorcraft instructor—Jack Loflin gestures me into the right seat, I don’t hesitate. Then I do.

He’s putting me on. Is this wise?

But as it turns out, I’m not only ready for my first AS350 lesson, I am going to have the best assistant I could possibly have. The GFC 600H turned me—for a couple of amazing hours—into a helicopter pilot.


I’m not saying this is its intended application—or even a good one—but it’s an indication of just how incredible the advances in autoflight have come to the rotorcraft world, that I can even fathom what I’mabout to see and do in the AStar.

Takeoff—And a Cross-Country

The AS350 is also equipped with the Garmin G500 TXi flight display system for rotorcraft, along with the GTN 750 Xi and GTN 650 Xi, allowing for a host of other features—including H-TWAS—to supplementour short cross-country flight. Loflin has planned for us to fly from the Salem Municipal Airport (KSLE) up to the Portland Downtown Heliport (61J)—a gem in that it is one of the few public heliports located in a major metro area in the U.S. We’ll utilize it—it sits on the top of a multistory public parking lot—to pop in for lunch at Loflin’s favorite Lebanese place downtown.

From there, we’ll take off and head back southwest towards the Willamette Valley, dropping in to practice hovering and other spot landings both on-airport and off, on a sandbar in the Willamette River.

Our demo cross-country flight in the AStar takes us to Portland and then over the Willamette Valley. [Credit: Stephen Yeates]

From the briefing, I know what to expect of the GFC 600H—now it’s time for Loflin to give me dual on our departure after leading me through the engine start and initial rotation from the pad outside Garmin AT’s flight ops hangar.

Garmin sales manager Pat Coleman has joined us—on our way out to the helicopter, he showed us a few projects inside the Garmin skunkworks in the hangar. Originally certificated in the AS350 in 2019, additions to the GFC 600H’s supplemental type certificate approved model list (STC AML) loom ahead. You can already find the autoflight system in the Bell 505 under a Garmin-owned STC, which came out in mid-2021. 

As we lift off and Loflin hands the controls over to me, I feel a sense of low-level anxiety, reflecting on my minimal time in the category. But that quickly melts away as I test out the three axes of flight in small increments as I follow the magenta line that leads us up to Portland proper.

Along our initial flight path, I feel only the barest sense that the autoflight system’s silent hand carries me in the background. It monitors the envelope, speeds, and other parameters to stabilize my relatively level flight. I come down to 500 feet msl to track into the city; we’re indicating about 95 knots.

Garmin produces several product lines through capabilities in the Salem, Oregon, facility, for added bench depth. [Credit: Stephen Yeates]

We are approaching from the south-southeast—the city lies along the Willamette, making for a pleasingly situated downtown, with the heliport we’re aiming for on the western bank. Loflin points out several key obstacles as we approach—at this altitude, nearly everything becomes an obstruction, but the TXi highlights only the most critical at the moment on the multifunction display. The screen shows normal terrain shading with a yellow “obstacle” annunciation as we come up on a series of bridges.

The same obstruction shows on the Garmin GI 275 electronic flight instrument located in the center stack. It has many of the same functions available as those brethren STCed for airplanes—a PFD with attitude, airspeed, altitude, and vertical speed, plus MFD, traffic, terrain, and engine information.

A web of red lines depicts the location of powerlines and other high wires that threaten a helicopter’s path. In order to get the most out of the aircraft’s capabilities, you need to take it into confined areas that would be fatal to fixed wings. It’s a whole different way of looking at the world—and the obstruction data on the MFD goes from towers popping up during an otherwise uneventful flight to an entire maze to navigate down low.

The interference testing lab mimics those in Garmin’s primary facility in Olathe, Kansas. [Credit: Stephen Yeates]

Loflin coaches me so that I take us within about a quarter mile and 100 feet of the landing pad, then takes over to position the AS350 into the relatively confined space. I say “relatively” because there’s plenty of room on the heliport to accommodate at least three helicopters, maybe four, depending on how well they are parked.

He slows us to 35 kias on short approach, bleeding down to hover over the space we’ll leave the AS350 parked in while we grab lunch. It feels surreal—yet just like another one of those “only with GA moments” as the four of us take the elevator down to the street and walk out onto the rather quiet city streets.

Though the pilot’s hand remains on the cyclic control stick, the GFC 600H is working silently in the background. [Credit: Stephen Yeates]

Hover Test

We remember the code to get back to the fifth floor of the parking garage—the heliport restricts access to pilots and their guests or customers for clear reasons. It’s time to fire up again and head out to play—and really test the GFC 600H’s mettle against the best amateur rotorcraft pilot moves I can throw at it.

We follow the river out of town, over connecting lakes, and into the valley which is world-renowned for its pinot noir and chardonnay. It’s the very best view of the vines as we pass over them at a neighborly altitude. Often helicopters a reused for frost protection and other agricultural ops over the vineyards—but that is not our mission today.

Our first stop has us joining the traffic pattern at the McMinnville Municipal Airport (KMMV). To me, the airport is famous because it’s home to the Evergreen Aviation Museum—and home to the famous Spruce Goose, the Hughes Hercules eight-engined mammoth that sits barely encased in glass so its enormity can be appreciated even if you never step foot in the museum. We don’t make a stop there today—but both the Gooseand the Boeing 747 in Evergreen livery out front create easy landmarks for me to follow in the pattern.

After the approach, Loflin instructs me through slowing the AS350 down into a hover over a far reach of the taxiway. We have plenty of ramp space here to give me the leeway I need to perform my first AS350 hovering—at first highly assisted by the GFC 600H, in both attitude and yaw hold modes. Then, Loflin turns the magic off. And all of a sudden, the work that the autopilot has been performing behind the scenes becomes dramatically apparent. He takes back the controls periodically to help me along.

We step taxi over to a field northwest of the runway, an open area where we can play a little more. I get to test with and without the GFC 600H and see again just how much it is assisting me as a newb. Now, the benefit to the seasoned pilot lies in the dramatically reduced workload—just like any autopilot—taking the physical work of flying the aircraft from the pilot’s hands so they can focus on something else. And if you think about it, that’s a big change for a helicopter pilot who nearly always has to have both hands engaged with the flight controls during a flight,with only momentary transitions to change radio frequencies or manage checklists.

In the research and development hangar, several projects continue to push forward as Garmin expands autoflight. [Credit: Stephen Yeates]

ESP, Rotor Style

The envelope stability protection that we enjoy in the fixed-wing versions of Garmin’s autoflight systems takes on a new cast in the GFC 600H. H-ESP, as it’s called here, provides both low speed and overspeed protection, as well as limit cueing to help the pilot keep the helicopter upright.

When the pilot maintains f light with the rotor blade plane tilted less than 10 degrees from level, the ESP system sits in the background, monitoring the flight dynamics. When it first senses the rotor plane approaching the beginning of the limit arc either up or down, ESP engages and applies the nudge that’s familiar to those of us accustomed to flying with ESP in other aircraft. If the pilot powers through that nudge and continues to tilt the rotor plane towards the upper limit of the arc, the GFC 600H applies up to a maximum level of force, opposing the pilot’s action and striving to return the rotor plane to a level state.

In the case of a low speed limit approaching, the yellow “LOWSPD” annunciation appears on the pilot’s primary flight display. Similarly, if a maximum speed limit is anticipated, the yellow “MAXSPD” highlights. A LVL mode returns the helicopter to a zero fpm vertical and zero bank angle lateral attitude when actuated.

Flying the Approach

Coming back into Salem, we opt for another one of the system’s enormous safety benefits—the ability to fly a coupled approach. The AS350 we’re in is placarded “VFR Only,” and many helicopter pilots do not possess an instrument rating. It’s not that they wouldn’t ever need the skill, but it comes up less often than it does for airplane pilots.

That is, until it takes on critical importance. Recalling the accident that took Kobe Bryant’s life and those of his family and friends in January 2020, it’s sobering to contemplate what would have been different if the pilot had been able to maintain situational awareness.

The GFC 600H, when integrated with the NXi, allows even a non-rated pilot to engage an approach as a safety tool in lowering visibility. We had set up the RNAV (GPS) approach to Runway 31 at KSLE and I engaged the AP through a similar mode controller as other Garmin autoflight systems in the series. Though I cannot tell you how many times I’ve watched the approach proceedings unfold on an MFD over the course of my career, it’s wild to see it happen in a helicopter. Our speed on the approach isn’t too slow—though it’s slower than what most of us are accustomed to—but the outcome is the same. We’ve returned to a safe position from which to hover-taxi to our final landing point on the airport.

That’s when it really hits me—the GFC 600H makes the helicopter as easy to keep in level flight or a stabilized approach as an airplane. I mean, Coleman had said it in our initial conversations, but it turns out not to be just a marketing line. The autopilot shadowing me allowed me to manipulate the controls in a way more akin to my ingrained skill controlling an airplane. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my rotorcraft lessons before, but flying a helicopter without this felt like pirouetting on the head of a pin—a delicate balancing act full of nuance and retraining my muscle memory.

While this isn’t a panacea—what happens to the pilot who flies with it on all the time when it breaks, and they suddenly have to hand-fly? But that’s a question we ask in the fixed-wing world too—and we make sure to train both VFR and IFR flight without the automation as a result, to keep those skills sharp.

The other piece is that it made the rotorcraft rating feel approachable—and one less barrier to entry, perhaps. But most of all, the real capability of the GFC 600H changes the game for safety.

This article was originally published in the March 2023 Issue 935 of FLYING

Genesys Autoflight for Helicopters

Genesys helicopter’s speed range, with altitude-command and altitude-hold functions. Fly-through system engagement is available in all flight regimes, from startup to shutdown, and the system features rugged, redundant flight control computers. Total weight installed is less than 35 pounds, and it operates in a fail-operable manner. The GRC 3000 is currently certificated on the Airbus EC-145e and the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk.

Aerosystems (formerly S-TEC) entered the autoflight arena in 2014 with its HeliSAS two-axis VFR autopilot and stability augmentation system for light rotorcraft on the AS350 as well as the EC 130, followed by the Bell 206B/L and 407, and the Robinson R44 and R66. A three-axis option is available for the Bell 505. The company has delivered more than 1,000 units to date.

The HeliSAS incorporates the ability to track heading and nav functions (VOR, LOC, GPS), with course intercept capability, and manage forward speed, vertical speed, and altitude.

With units weighing less than 15 pounds, the HeliSAS also features an auto-recovery mode to return the helicopter to a neutral attitude when the pilot loses situational awareness. And according to the company, its system has also allowed pilots with no prior rotorcraft experience to maintain the helicopter in a hover “with very little practice.”

Genesys also makes an IFR autoflight system, the GRC 3000. The two- or three-axis autopilot includes auto-recovery to near-level flight attitude throughout the

This sidebar was originally published in the March 2023 Issue 935 of FLYING.

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Global Avionics Sales Posted Strong Growth in 2022, Aircraft Electronics Association Says Wed, 22 Feb 2023 13:23:48 +0000 Industry group reported a nearly 22 percent year-over-year increase in 2022 sales across its surveyed companies.

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Worldwide sales of avionics for general aviation aircraft rose nearly 22 percent to more than $2.8 billion in 2022 compared with 2021 sales, according to the Aircraft Electronics Association. The industry group said the percentage increase in sales is the largest year-over-year bump it has seen in the 11-year history of its Avionics Market Report.

During the fourth quarter, sales increased 31 percent compared to the same period a year earlier, which is the highest quarterly increase in the report’s history, the AEA said. Fourth-quarter sales rose 7.2 percent compared with the third quarter, marking the tenth consecutive quarter of increasing sales, AEA officials added.

“We have seen yearly sales rebound the last two years despite supply chain constraints and a tight labor market,” said AEA president and CEO Mike Adamson. “While it’s encouraging to see a record-breaking percentage increase in year-over-year avionics sales, the industry is still rebounding from the economic impact of the pandemic. The $2.8 billion in sales for 2022 falls short of the 2019 year-end sales when industry notched a record $3 billion just prior to the international health crisis, but we are trending in the right direction with positive gains over the past 10 quarters,” Adamson said.

The retrofit market for avionics installed after an aircraft’s original production accounted for 48.2 percent of total sales in 2022, while avionics installed by aircraft manufacturers during original production totaled 51 percent of sales, the AEA said.

Companies that separated their sales figures between the U.S. and Canada and other international markets said 74.9 percent of their sales during 2022 took place in the U.S and Canada and 25.1 percent took place in other markets.

The AEA said it began releasing its Avionics Market Report on March 26, 2013, during the 56th annual AEA International Convention & Trade Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Before that, the industry group said, there was no “effort to capture the true dollar size of the business and general aviation avionics market.”

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uAvionix Introduces Combo Tailbeacon ADS-B Wed, 06 Apr 2022 18:16:29 +0000 The company has received an STC for more than 500 aircraft make and models.

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Aviation instrument maker uAvionix has received a supplemental type certificate (STC) for its tailBeaconX 1090 MHZ ADS-B transponder. The device replaces the rear navigation light, combining it with ADS-B OUT Mode S transponder.

The approved model list (AML) for tailBeaconX contains more than 550 aircraft that it can accommodate. The company notes that it is working on STCs for additional models, such as light twins, and it expects approval in a few months.

The initial STC-AML utilizes the uAvionix AV-30-C multifunction display to be installed as the control head. In this configuration, the AV-30-C is able to leverage the tailBeaconX SBAS GPS for its GPS track display. In the future, uAvionix anticipates adding additional means of control through its own technology and third-party devices.

TailBeaconX is uniquely designed to meet the challenge of worldwide adoption of both ground and space-based ADS-B for air traffic surveillance, including Canada’s upcoming mandate over the next few years. 

According to uAvionix, NAV Canada’s performance requirements can be met either through the use of a top and bottom antenna, or with a single antenna that is capable of transmitting both toward the ground and up toward satellites, saving the aircraft owner thousands of dollars for equipment and installation as compared to a full diversity system which requires two antennae.

For the Canadian market, tailBeaconX will initially be available for 336 models on the FAA AML, whose type certificates were accepted in Canada without the issuance of an equivalent TCCA type certificate. STC validation for an additional 56 models has been filed with Transport Canada and is expected to be approved shortly.

The company will immediately begin shipping pre-orders in the U.S., Canada, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand soon to be followed by STC validation for European, U.K. markets, and Brazil. 

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What Pilots Need to Know about Retrofit Avionics Mon, 08 Jun 2020 18:15:15 +0000 It turns out that aircraft owners who upgrade their cockpits with the latest glass-panel avionics share some interesting similarities with shoppers for smartphones, flat-screen TVs, laptops or just about any other broadly adopted consumer electronics product.When the first smartphones hit the market several years ago they were cumbersome to use, lacked capabilities and cost a … Continued

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It turns out that aircraft owners who upgrade their cockpits with the latest glass-panel avionics share some interesting similarities with shoppers for smartphones, flat-screen TVs, laptops or just about any other broadly adopted consumer electronics product.When the first smartphones hit the market several years ago they were cumbersome to use, lacked capabilities and cost a small fortune. Early adopters had to have them, of course, but most people held onto their old phones, at least for a while. Over time, smartphone technology improved dramatically and prices dropped, the two ingredients necessary to attract a mass audience.The market for retrofit avionics has followed a similar trajectory. The first retrofit EFIS products to reach the market a couple of decades ago couldn’t do much beyond replacing a blue-over-brown electromechanical attitude indicator with a color screen. Despite the astronomical prices for these rudimentary early products, some aircraft owners just had to have them. Most aircraft owners said thanks but no thanks.

Next came active-matrix LCD displays and early versions of synthetic vision, which represented an important technological leap but still were priced out of the reach of most buyers. Again, early adopters couldn’t reach for their checkbooks fast enough, while the majority of pilots watched the market with curiosity but without any overwhelming compulsion to upgrade their old but serviceable six-pack instrument clusters with the shiny new glass displays.

Fast-forward to 2018 and that’s all changing. Suddenly, prices for retrofit avionics have come way down and functionalities have exploded. After the FAA relaxed avionics certification rules a couple of years ago, products originally destined for the Experimental market, such as the Garmin G5 display and Dynon D10A EFIS, were made available to owners of Part 23 piston airplanes for enticingly low prices. Those who faced expensive repair bills to fix or replace older electromechanical instruments realized they could make the relics in their panels magically disappear forever by purchasing a new solid-state EFIS with built-in inertial sensors and backup battery for about the same price as a replacement mechanical ADI.

The FAA sweetened the pot last year by allowing approval of non-TSO’d autopilots in Part 23 airplanes. Suddenly, an owner of an aging piston airplane like a Cessna Skylane or Piper Archer could upgrade to state-of-the-art glass displays and autopilots from a half-dozen manufacturers for prices that make sound economic sense.

While this revolutionary change was occurring at the low end of the market, several avionics-makers began introducing highly capable retrofit avionics systems for high-performance piston airplanes, turboprops and light jets that could transform dinosaurs into technological beasts boasting the same capabilities, or in some cases better capabilities, than new airplanes rolling out of the factory.

Clearly, the market for retrofit avionics has matured beyond the early adopter stage. According to the Aircraft Electronics Association, retrofit avionics sales exploded last year, surging more than 20 percent over the previous year. So far this year the trend is continuing, with retrofit avionics sales rising another 12.6 percent versus last year. We’re well into the “early majority” stage that product marketers so covet, soon to be followed by the “late majority” of buyers and finally the “laggards” who will upgrade their crusty old Skyhawks only after everyone else on the field is already flying with upgraded avionics.

Of course, there will always be those pilots who prefer flying with round instruments to glass, and that’s OK — but let’s face it: They haven’t made it this far in the article to know we’re talking about them.

For the rest of us — the “majority” of pilots, who understand the value of the latest cockpit technology — we want to know what the newest products to hit the market can do for us and what they cost. On the next pages we’ll take a look at what’s new in the retrofit avionics market today.

Piston Airplane Avionics

When the FAA a couple of years ago relaxed approval standards for certain avionics in certified Part 23 airplanes, it opened a pathway for manufacturers to skip the lengthy and expensive TSO certification pathway and create new products for general aviation based on ASTM standards rather than the cumbersome DO-178 standards for software, in the process sometimes slashing millions of dollars from the development costs of a single product. By achieving parts manufacturing approval (PMA) and supplemental type certification (STC) for products more typical of Experimental-category avionics, manufacturers were able to bring prices down considerably for hundreds of types through the approved model list (AML) process. Even the avionics manufacturers themselves say they did not anticipate how quickly aircraft owners would adopt these products, but it turns out that the combination of lower prices and additional capabilities makes for a winning formula.

While a stand-alone display will add some nifty capabilities to an older airplane, to truly bring your cockpit into the modern age, a complete panel retrofit is the way to go. It’ll cost more, but nowhere near the astronomically high price of a cockpit overhaul just a decade ago as products have greatly improved and the prices have come down to earth.

Garmin G500 TXI and G600 TXI
Garmin’s G500 TXI and G600 TXI. Garmin

Garmin G500 TXI and G600 TXI

Touchscreens are going mainstream, and why not? As long as an alternative means of entering information in turbulence is offered, touch interfaces clearly are superior, as we all learned the first time we picked up an iPad. Garmin’s new touch-series cockpits, the G500 TXi and G600 TXi, incorporate touchscreens and superfast computer processors that support lightning-quick map and chart rendering, fast panning and single-finger zoom and pinch-to-zoom capabilities.

Three TXi display sizes are available, offering flexibility for panel configurations. Our favorite is the large 10.6-inch display, which just looks right in the panel of an airplane like a Beech Bonanza. There are also two versions of 7-inch displays, in portrait and landscape orientations. The 10.6-inch display can operate as a PFD, MFD or optional integrated engine indication display. The 7-inch portrait display can be dedicated to any one of those functions, while the 7-inch landscape unit is available exclusively as an engine display. The G500 TXi system is intended for Part 23 Class I/II aircraft under 6,000 pounds, and the G600 TXi for Class III aircraft weighing up to 12,500 pounds.

When the TXi series is paired with a GTN 650/750 touch-screen navigator, Connext wireless connectivity offers additional capabilities. Flight Stream 510 is an option with the GTN 650/750, which enables Database Concierge, the wireless transfer of aviation databases from the Garmin Pilot app on a mobile device to a GTN and the TXi system. Flight Stream 510 can also share information with compatible mobile devices running Garmin Pilot or ForeFlight Mobile, including two-way flight-plan transfer, traffic, weather, GPS information and backup attitude information.

Here’s the quick rundown of prices: The 10.6-inch G500 TXi display is $15,995, the 7-inch display is $11,995; the 10.6-inch G600 TXi display is $24,995, and the 7-inch display is $18,995.

bendixking aeroVue touch
The BendixKing AeroVue Touch. BendixKing

BendixKing AeroVue Touch

BendixKing has been on a roll lately, introducing several new products that are turning heads and giving competitors reason to believe the storied brand is back in a big way.

The new AeroVue Touch cockpit introduced this spring is a single-box PFD retrofit option for certified general aviation aircraft that will be available for installation on 353 different aircraft types through an AML STC. AeroVue Touch features a 10.1-inch touchscreen and a “near-4K” high-resolution display offering the choice of a full-screen PFD or a split-screen shared with a moving map and other flight information. Large display buttons and infrared scanning allow easy use even by gloved hands, BendixKing says, and shallow menus provide access to all system functions with a maximum of four touches.

Additional features of the cockpit include Honeywell’s SmartView synthetic-vision system, 2D and 3D moving maps and taxi diagrams, and VFR sectional charts and IFR high- and low-altitude charts. Pilots can update databases via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth or through a dedicated USB-C port.

Future software updates are slated to include engine parameter indications, radios and autopilot control. AeroVue Touch is priced at $12,590. BendixKing expects to submit the STC documentation to the FAA this month.

Dynon SkyView HDX
Dynon’s SkyView HDX. Dynon

Dynon Skyview HDX

Dynon Avionics made its mark in aviation with a highly capable portfolio of products for the Experimental market. Now, the company is beginning to seriously encroach on the market for certified avionics. It has received its first supplemental type certificate for the SkyView HDX avionics system aimed initially at older Cessna Skyhawks. Cessna owners can now replace the vast majority of their legacy instruments with a SkyView HDX system offering complete primary flight instrumentation and a whole lot more.

The SkyView HDX cockpit includes synthetic vision angle of attack indication and engine monitoring with CHTs, EGTs, fuel flow, fuel computer and lean assist. Dynon’s integrated two-axis autopilot also earns approval for IFR-approach capability when SkyView is integrated with a compatible GPS navigator. The approved installation includes a Mode S transponder with 2020-compliant ADS-B Out capability and moving map with ADS-B traffic and weather overlay. The backup flight instrument is the Dynon D10A, which has a built-in backup battery.

A complete SkyView HDX system costs about $20,000, plus $2,000 to purchase the STC. The initial approved model list covers Cessna 172F, 172G, 172H, 172I, 172K, 172L, 172M, 172N, 172P, 172Q, 172R and 172S models, and you can expect a diverse line of aircraft types to follow.

aspen e5
Aspen Avionics’ Evolution E5. Aspen Avionics

Aspen E5

Aspen Avionics has followed the path forged by Dynon and Garmin by introducing its own non-TSO’d electronic flight instruments for owners of Part 23-certified airplanes. Aspen’s new Evolution E5 flight instrument, unveiled this spring, is essentially the same unit as the latest certified Aspen products but with features geared toward buyers looking to keep costs in check.

The Evolution E5 display consolidates traditional attitude indicator, directional gyro and course deviation indicator instruments into a single display that retails for just under $5,000. The E5 unit also includes global positioning system steering (GPSS) and air-data computer and attitude heading reference system (ADAHRS), as well as a backup battery. Aircraft owners can also upgrade to the Evolution E5 display and a compatible TruTrak Vizion autopilot for less than $10,000, Aspen says.

What we like best about the E5 6-inch active-matrix LCD is that it’s brighter and more vibrant than previous Evolution displays, while retaining Aspen’s ingenious form factor intended to keep installation costs down by slotting into the panel space of electro­mechanical attitude and heading indicators.

Turboprop Retrofits

When we talk about retrofits for turboprops, what we primarily mean is the market for King Air upgrades, since many thousands of these airplanes continue to serve admirably for their owners with hull values that can justify spending a fairly substantial chunk of change to transform the flight deck into a masterpiece. All it takes is one flight in a King Air with any of the latest retrofits from the major avionics manufacturers before you decide you never want to go back to round dials or older EFIS screens again. These cockpits are so good that you’ll totally forget you’re flying an airplane that left the factory decades ago. Here are three newer King Air avionics upgrade options worth considering.

bendixking aerovue
BendixKing AeroVue. BendixKing

BendixKing AeroVue

BendixKing’s AeroVue cockpit is the latest to receive FAA certification in the Beechcraft King Air 200, bringing “business jet technology and functionality” to the twin turboprop’s cockpit. We visited BendixKing’s test center in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to put that claim to the test and came away impressed. The AeroVue cockpit for the King Air is a worthy competitor from a company that’s clearly focused on regaining a leadership position in the market.

The AeroVue integrated avionics package is similar in form and function to the Apex glass cockpit in the Pilatus PC-12 NG turboprop single, which pilots have been raving about since its introduction.

The AeroVue system incorporates three high-resolution 12-inch LCDs featuring Honeywell’s SmartView synthetic-vision system. AeroVue also includes a full flight management system and HUD-like symbology on the primary flight display. The flight deck includes an excellent cursor control device mounted on the center console next to an alphanumeric keypad.

The AeroVue system weighs 125 pounds less than currently installed equipment, allowing King Air B200 owners to carry more payload. All the avionics boxes are mounted in the nose rather than behind the panel for ease of maintenance. Price is competitive with the King Air G1000 retrofit cockpit from Garmin, with a fly-away price predicted at between $300,000 and $425,000, depending on what options the buyer picks.

Garmin G1000 NXi
Garmin’s G1000 NXi. Garmin

Garmin G1000 NXi

Garmin’s G1000 NXi is a faster, modernized successor to the original G1000 cockpit now available in the King Air 200 and 300/350 models. Thanks to its improved computer processors, the system supports faster map rendering and smoother panning throughout the displays, which now initialize within seconds after start-up.

Garmin’s Connext wireless connectivity can optionally transfer aviation databases from the Garmin Pilot app on a mobile device to the G1000 NXi, as well as support two-way flight plan transfer, the sharing of traffic, weather, GPS information and backup attitude data with compatible mobile devices running Garmin Pilot or ForeFlight mobile.

G1000 NXi also supports geographical map overlays within the HSI of the PFD, as well as animated Nexrad graphics, FIS-B weather, weather radar, SafeTaxi airport diagrams, traffic and terrain information, and a whole lot more.

Price to upgrade G1000 to NXi in the King Air is about $53,000 plus installation, while a from-scratch install will cost an estimated $350,000 to $450,000.

Sandel Avilon
Sandel’s Avilon. Sandel

Sandel Avilon

Sandel is attacking the King Air retrofit market with a retrofit cockpit called Avilon that is unusual for a few reasons, most notably its “guaranteed” installed price of $175,000, well below the price of cockpits from Garmin, Rockwell Collins and BendixKing.

The Avilon avionics system includes four large LCD flight displays, two smaller data-entry touchscreens, radios, flight management computers, dual AHRS, audio panel, ADS-B-compliant Mode S transponder, and flight director/autopilot (minus the autopilot servos, which are retained).

That’s a lot of features for not a lot of dough. The price is piquing the interest of King Air 200 owners who have been quoted prices of close to $100,000 just for the labor to install competing systems.

Sandel Avionics president and CEO Gerry Block explains that the installation cost is predicted to be so low because the entire Avilon instrument panel is shipped to dealers as essentially one piece.

“It takes only about five days to install our system, with 80 percent of the work being removal of the old equipment,” he says.

The system is currently flying in a company King Air 200 certification test bed, with certification expected by this fall. Sandel says it has partnered with three dealers in the United States (Stevens Aviation, Cutter Aviation and Landmark Aviation) and one in Canada (Rocky Mountain Aircraft), which have all agreed to honor the guaranteed $175,000 fly-away price.

“There are a lot of King Air cockpit retrofit choices, but very few people have been buying them because they are just too expensive to justify,” Block says. “We think this price and the capability our cockpit offers will get a lot of King Air operators off the fence.”

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Certification of Sandel’s Avilon Flight Deck Expected Early Next Year Thu, 18 Oct 2018 20:20:00 +0000 Sandel Avionics is continuing testing of its Avilon integrated flight deck, created as a lower-priced alternative for the King Air retrofit market, as the company reports certification and initially deliveries are on pace for early next year. Flying had the chance to see the latest version of Avilon at the NBAA Convention in Orlando, Florida, … Continued

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Sandel Avionics is continuing testing of its Avilon integrated flight deck, created as a lower-priced alternative for the King Air retrofit market, as the company reports certification and initially deliveries are on pace for early next year.

Flying had the chance to see the latest version of Avilon at the NBAA Convention in Orlando, Florida, and it’s clear that the avionics system has evolved greatly since it was first announced three years ago. Then, the element of Avilon that turned heads was its “guaranteed flyaway” price of $175,000, which is less than half the installed price of competing King Air retrofit choices.

Sandel was able to keep the total price low by designing the modular avionics with fast installation time in mind. The avionics system includes four large 12.4-inch touch screen LCD flight displays, two smaller data entry touch screens, radios, flight management computers, dual AHRS, audio panel, ADS-B-compliant Mode S transponder, RNP approach capabilities, and flight director/autopilot (minus the autopilot servos, which are retained).

Certification for the entire King Air family is expected in January, said Larry Riddle, vice president of sales and marketing for Sandel. Look for a full flight report in an upcoming issue of Flying.

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Garmin’s G700 TXi Becomes Available for Cessna Citations Thu, 11 Oct 2018 20:20:00 +0000 Cessna Citation owners can now take advantage of Garmin International’s advanced avionics technology as the Olathe, Kansas-based company’s G700 Txi is now available for the light business jet series. Citation owners can get a single or dual 10.6-inch display installed through an STC made available by JETTECH, based in Broomfield, Colorado, and can be installed … Continued

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Cessna Citation owners can now take advantage of Garmin International’s advanced avionics technology as the Olathe, Kansas-based company’s G700 Txi is now available for the light business jet series. Citation owners can get a single or dual 10.6-inch display installed through an STC made available by JETTECH, based in Broomfield, Colorado, and can be installed by approved Garmin dealers. The G700 TXi is specifically designed for aircraft in the Part 23 category.

Like Garmin’s G500 and G600 series for lighter aircraft, the G700 links to a GTN 650 or 750. The combination offers coupled LPV/WAAS approaches with the option to display vertical navigation guidance with RNAV approaches. The G700 TXi displays a map overlay on the HSI portion of the PFD, showing an overhead view of terrain, traffic, weather and more. 3D synthetic vision views are also provided on the PFD, displaying a frontal view of weather, traffic, terrain and the runway environment.

Real time, cost free weather and traffic can be provided by a separate Garmin ADS-B unit. Datalink weather products can also be added as well as options for RVSM support. FlightCharts can be linked either with Garmin’s FliteCharts or Jeppesen’s approach charts. Database updates can be streamed through a Flight Stream 510, allowing customers to sync the data with a portable wireless smartphone or tablet.

The G700 TXi option will initially be available for the Cessna Citation II/SII and Citation V with the Sperry SPZ 500 autopilot. Additional models are expected to follow. A Citation II with the G700 TXi will be on display at Garmin’s exhibit at NBAA’s Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition in Orlando, Florida, next week.

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Pro Line Fusion Approved for King Air B200 and B300 in Europe Tue, 11 Sep 2018 20:15:05 +0000 European King Air B200 and B300-series operators can now take advantage of Rockwell Collins’ latest touch screen avionics suite – Pro Line Fusion. The Pro Line Fusion retrofit was FAA certified in 2016 and represents the panel delivered with new Beechcraft King Airs coming out of Textron Aviation’s factory in Wichita, Kansas. Installed in the … Continued

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European King Air B200 and B300-series operators can now take advantage of Rockwell Collins’ latest touch screen avionics suite – Pro Line Fusion.

The Pro Line Fusion retrofit was FAA certified in 2016 and represents the panel delivered with new Beechcraft King Airs coming out of Textron Aviation’s factory in Wichita, Kansas. Installed in the panel are three 14.1-inch high resolution touchscreens that allow for multiple configuration options. The suite includes ADS-B equipment to comply with the June 7, 2020 mandate for EASA aircraft, and enables operators to take advantage of SBAS-capable GNSS, LPV approaches, RF legs and more.

The system also features Rockwell’s proprietary synthetic vision system, which includes dome representations for airports, making them easy to identify on the screens. Extended runway centerlines add to the situational awareness as do real time weather radar, high-resolution topography and special-use airspace and search patterns. Geo-referenced navigation charts with own-ship position make shooting instrument approaches a breeze.

Database updates cannot be done wirelessly, but are completed through an easily accessible USB port on the front of the displays.

Amsterdam-based JetSupport B.V. has already completed the first installation of a Pro Line Fusion system into a King Air B200. “Pro Line Fusion breathes new life into these aircraft, bringing compliance with airspace mandates and sets the stage for flying in the Single European Sky,” said Didier Perrin, senior director of commercial sales and services for Rockwell Collins’ European, Middle Eastern and African regions.

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Garmin’s Retrofit Autopilot STCed for Additional Aircraft Models Thu, 06 Sep 2018 20:20:00 +0000 Garmin is bringing safety enhancing capabilities to legacy aircraft models with the approval of its GFC 500 retrofit autopilot STC. The Olathe, Kansas-based company added the Grumman AA-5 series airplanes, which include Traveler, Cheetah and Tiger models, as well as the 140-horsepower Piper PA-28 to the list. The GFC 500 is also available for many … Continued

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Garmin is bringing safety enhancing capabilities to legacy aircraft models with the approval of its GFC 500 retrofit autopilot STC. The Olathe, Kansas-based company added the Grumman AA-5 series airplanes, which include Traveler, Cheetah and Tiger models, as well as the 140-horsepower Piper PA-28 to the list. The GFC 500 is also available for many Cessna 172 and 182, and Piper PA-28 models, as well as four Beechcraft Bonanza models: S35, V35, V35A and V35B. Additional Bonanza/Debonair models, Mooney M20 models and the Cessna 210 should be added to the list soon, followed by more legacy single-engine piston Cessnas and Pipers.

The GFC 500 was first introduced last year and is designed for light, single-engine piston airplanes. The GFC 600 was developed for high performance pistons and turbine aircraft. Both systems integrate with the G500 and G600 glass panels, Garmin’s navigators and other flight displays. The autopilots can also be used with Garmin’s recently introduced, low-cost G5 electronic flight instrument. The autopilots are not compatible with the G1000 system, which uses the GFC 700 autopilot.

In addition to flying a selected altitude, vertical speed and heading, the autopilots have a level mode, underspeed and overspeed protection, Electronic Stability Protection and much more. When used with navigators, the new autopilots can fly a variety of instrument approaches.

The cost for the autopilots vary greatly depending on the type of airplane and avionics installed. Starting price for the GFC 500 is $6,995 while the GFC 600 starts at $19,995. Click here for a list of approved aircraft for the GFC 500 and GFC 600.

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Aspen Avionics Upgrades Evolution Systems Tue, 24 Jul 2018 20:18:22 +0000 Aspen Avionics announced significant upgrades to its Evolution systems, providing the latest processor technology, added features and clearer, more colorful displays. The Evolution MAX systems are expected to be available before the end of the year and previous Aspen customers can upgrade their systems for a very affordable price. “Our unique approach to designing and … Continued

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Aspen Avionics announced significant upgrades to its Evolution systems, providing the latest processor technology, added features and clearer, more colorful displays. The Evolution MAX systems are expected to be available before the end of the year and previous Aspen customers can upgrade their systems for a very affordable price.

“Our unique approach to designing and engineering new products for the general aviation community gives our current customer base (approximately 14,000 worldwide) a path to cost-effectively upgrade to the latest Aspen displays without investing in a new cockpit installation,” said Aspen’s president and CEO John Uczekaj. “With the MAX series, we continue to maintain that long-standing commitment to our existing customers while pledging to provide our new customers affordable avionics and upgrade paths.”

A key feature to the MAX PFD is the GPS-aided AHRS, which continues to provide flight data if the pitot static system fails. The MAX system also works as an audio panel interface and has the ability to increase the size of fonts. New MFD-specific features include countdown timers, metar flags, 350 nm zoom levels and height AGL on the navigation map.

The Evolution systems are approved for more than 600 aircraft types. The cost for the Evolution Pro 1000 MAX PFD is $9,995 while the MFD500 MAX MFD runs $5,495 and the MFD1000 MAX MFD $8,995. Existing customers can swap out their systems for a much lower price, ranging from $1,995 depending on when the system was installed.

Uczekaj said the goal was to make the trade out so quick that it can be done concurrently with an oil change. The trade out, including return to service, is expected to take approximately four hours, Uczekaj said, though it will vary depending on the avionics installer.

Aspen is also ready to launch its lower cost non-TSO’d Evolution E5 electronic flight instrument, which starts at $4,995. The E5 can be upgraded to the Pro MAX at a later date.

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Garmin Expands Availability of Retrofit Autopilots Thu, 19 Jul 2018 19:51:12 +0000 Garmin has made its retrofit GFC-series autopilots available to additional airplanes, providing a path to safer, more relaxed flying for many more pilots. The GFC 500 is now available for the Cessna 210, Grumman AA-5, and four Beechcraft Bonanza/Debonair models: C33, E33, F33 and G33. The Beechcraft Baron 58P and 59TC, as well as the … Continued

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Garmin has made its retrofit GFC-series autopilots available to additional airplanes, providing a path to safer, more relaxed flying for many more pilots.

The GFC 500 is now available for the Cessna 210, Grumman AA-5, and four Beechcraft Bonanza/Debonair models: C33, E33, F33 and G33. The Beechcraft Baron 58P and 59TC, as well as the Cessna 208B have been added to the STC list for the GFC 600. Click on the links for a list of other aircraft that have already been approved or are soon to be added for the GFC 500 and GFC 600.

The GFC 500 and GFC 600 were first introduced about one year ago. The GFC 500 is designed for light, simple, single-engine piston airplanes while the GFC 600 is better suited for high performance pistons and turbine aircraft. The systems integrate with the G500 and G600 glass panels, Garmin’s navigators and other flight displays. The autopilots also integrate with Garmin’s recently introduced, low-cost G5 electronic flight instrument.

In addition to flying a selected altitude, vertical speed and heading, the autopilots have a level mode, underspeed and overspeed protection, Electronic Stability Protection and much more. When used with navigators, the new autopilots can fly a variety of instrument approaches.

The cost for the autopilots vary greatly depending on the type of airplane and avionics installed. Starting price for the GFC 500 is $6,995 while the GFC 600 starts at $19,995.

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Dynon Receives First FAA STC for SkyView HDX Upgrade in Cessna 172s Thu, 15 Mar 2018 20:45:00 +0000 Owners of older Cessna 172s will be excited to learn that Dynon Avionics just received its first supplemental type certificate for the flagship SkyView HDX avionics system aimed at the classic four-place aircraft. Cessna owners will now be able to replace the vast majority of their legacy instruments with a SkyView HDX system offering complete … Continued

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Owners of older Cessna 172s will be excited to learn that Dynon Avionics just received its first supplemental type certificate for the flagship SkyView HDX avionics system aimed at the classic four-place aircraft. Cessna owners will now be able to replace the vast majority of their legacy instruments with a SkyView HDX system offering complete primary flight instrumentation.

Dynon said the STC, “ushers in a new era of truly affordable, safety-enhancing integrated avionics systems for type certificated aircraft.” Pricing of the STC is another plus for Cessna owners. “Pricing and availability pricing for the certified/PMA versions of approved Dynon products will be the same as existing experimental/light sport products.”

SkyView HDX includes synthetic vision and angle of attack, complete engine monitoring with CHTs, EGTs, fuel flow, fuel computer and lean assist. Dynon’s fully-integrated two axis autopilot also earned approval for full IFR approach capability when SkyView is integrated with a compatible navigator. The approved installation includes a mode S transponder with 2020-compliant ADS-B Out, navigation and mapping with flight planning ADS-B traffic and weather display and electronic flight bag features. Backup flight instruments are provided by a Dynon EFIS-D10A.

The price for the Cessna 172 STC is $2,000. A complete SkyView HDX system is expected to add an additional $20,000 to that total. First installations will be available in the coming weeks via US Sport Aircraft + Thrust Flight in Texas, Merrill Field Instruments in Alaska and a Dynon-affiliated facility in the Pacific Northwest.

The initial approved model list covers Cessna 172F, 172G, 172H, 172I, 172K, 172L, 172M, 172N, 172P, 172Q, 172R, and 172S models. Approval does not restrict the operational use of the aircraft and allows both IFR and VFR flight.

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Retrofit Avionics Market Sees Strong Sales Tue, 20 Feb 2018 22:39:46 +0000 With the 2020 ADS-B Out mandate rapidly approaching, and as more and more aircraft operators are realizing the benefits of advanced cockpit systems, an increasing number of owners are opting to add retrofit avionics systems to their aircraft. The Aircraft Electronics Association reported that there was a significant increase in the retrofit market. In its … Continued

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With the 2020 ADS-B Out mandate rapidly approaching, and as more and more aircraft operators are realizing the benefits of advanced cockpit systems, an increasing number of owners are opting to add retrofit avionics systems to their aircraft. The Aircraft Electronics Association reported that there was a significant increase in the retrofit market.

In its 2017 year-end Avionics Market Report, AEA reported a total business and general avionics net sales figure of more than $2.3 billion worldwide. This figure includes components and accessories, hardware, batteries and product upgrades, but does not include repairs and overhauls, extended warranties or subscription services.

This is the first time since 2014 that the industry has seen an increase in sales – in this case an uptick of 2.9 percent over 2016.

A total of $1.34 billion in 2017 represented retrofits to airplanes after original production, while $984 million accounted for forward-fit avionics (retrofit avionics installed by the aircraft manufacturer at the time of production). Actual retrofit installations saw an increase in sales of more than 20 percent. The companies that recorded the location of the sales reported that 73.5 percent of the retrofit sales took place in North America.

“Many avionics shops are telling us that aircraft owners are electing to order full-panel avionics upgrades rather than just the ADS-B equipment,” said AEA president Paula Derks. “It will be interesting to see whether the retrofit market continues to grow significantly in the next two years as the mandate draws closer.”

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Textron Aviation Offers ADS-B Solutions for Citations, King Airs and Hawkers Thu, 03 Nov 2016 19:39:58 +0000 With the ADS-B mandate quickly approaching, Textron Aviation announced that its service centers are offering ADS-B retrofits for an expanding number of models. The manufacturer announced this week that it recently achieved certification for an ADS-B Out solution for the Cessna Citation Mustang. Earlier this year Textron Aviation issued 10 service bulletins for ADS-B equipment … Continued

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With the ADS-B mandate quickly approaching, Textron Aviation announced that its service centers are offering ADS-B retrofits for an expanding number of models. The manufacturer announced this week that it recently achieved certification for an ADS-B Out solution for the Cessna Citation Mustang. Earlier this year Textron Aviation issued 10 service bulletins for ADS-B equipment on various Citation, King Air and Hawker models, and it has completed more than 1,000 installations so far.

In addition to getting the installation made by a company that knows the aircraft inside and out, Textron says a great benefit of getting the ADS-B retrofit through one of its service stations around the world is that the compliance is guaranteed worldwide for its ADS-B installations. ADS-B offerings from some third-party providers only apply in the country in which the aircraft is registered.

Some areas of the world, such as Australia and other countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Rim, already require ADS-B Out equipment. Europe will require the installation in mid-2020, and the United States mandate will come into effect on January 1, 2020.

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Glass Panel Upgrades: More Benefits than Ever Thu, 17 Mar 2016 23:14:52 +0000 It’s hard to believe that glass panel avionics have been around for nearly 30 years. I’m sure some of you have never flown an airplane without glass. And it’s with good reason: From airport diagrams to synthetic vision to moving maps, glass delivers an array of capabilities that are just not possible with mechanical “steam … Continued

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It’s hard to believe that glass panel avionics have been around for nearly 30 years. I’m sure some of you have never flown an airplane without glass.

And it’s with good reason: From airport diagrams to synthetic vision to moving maps, glass delivers an array of capabilities that are just not possible with mechanical “steam gauges.”

The allure of those situational-awareness and safety-enhancing capabilities is why glass panels are at the top of every aircraft owner’s most-wanted list. Aspen Avionics, BendixKing, Garmin, Avidyne and Rockwell Collins are just some of the avionics manufacturers that offer glass upgrade paths for airplanes and helicopters.

But along with all these various options lies considerable confusion for aircraft owners. Namely, which solution is right for your aircraft and needs? Do you want a partial panel upgrade or a full-on rip-and-tear refurbishment? There are pluses and minuses to either choice.

Partial Panel Upgrades: Typically, when the aircraft is rather new or has already undergone some avionics upgrade, owners opt for the partial panel solution. This involves replacing the legacy mechanical six-pack with digital display units. It’s cost-effective, and, since most glass displays can “talk” to all but the oldest radios and sensors, integration is not normally an issue.

Full Panel Refurbishments: This is often the solution of choice if an owner wants to give his or her aircraft the look of a factory-new panel. All the avionics, instruments and wiring are removed, and all the new displays and radios are mounted in a custom panel laid out to the owner’s exact specifications.

Obviously, as the most complete upgrade, the full panel option is by far the most expensive and requires the longest aircraft downtime.

The best of both worlds: But one of the beauties of today’s avionics is you may not have to make an all-or-nothing upgrade decision. For example, Aspen’s Evolution Electronic Flight Displays (EFD) gives you amazing installation flexibility. Because of the unit’s compact size, it easily fits in the panel cutouts that are already there for your mechanical instruments.

You can install one, two or three Aspen EFDs with relatively minor panel modifications. And you can install one display now and the second and third later on as your needs change or budget grows.

The bottom line is no matter what type of upgrade you are thinking about, do your homework. Look at your typical flight — IFR vs. VFR and so on. Then decide what equipage and solution best fit your needs and your wallet.

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BendixKing AeroVue Cockpit Coming To Citations Thu, 19 Nov 2015 21:58:10 +0000 BendixKing is bringing its AeroVue retrofit cockpit to select Cessna Citation and King Air models through a partnership with Sabreliner Aviation. The agreement calls for Sabreliner to provide certification, installations and service for AeroVue cockpits in the Cessna Citation V, Encore and Ultra, as well as the King Air C90. AeroVue was previously announced for … Continued

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BendixKing is bringing its AeroVue retrofit cockpit to select Cessna Citation and King Air models through a partnership with Sabreliner Aviation.

The agreement calls for Sabreliner to provide certification, installations and service for AeroVue cockpits in the Cessna Citation V, Encore and Ultra, as well as the King Air C90.

AeroVue was previously announced for the King Air 200 and B200 models in a three-display version. The retrofit cockpit for Citations will include four flight displays.

Based on the BendixKing Primus Apex cockpit flying in the Pilatus PC-12 NG, AeroVue includes synthetic vision, flight management system with vertical guidance, WAAS GPS receivers, ADS-B-compliant Mode S transponder and more.

Sabreliner Aviation is based in Perryville, Missouri.

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Rockwell Collins Adds Pro Line Fusion to Citation CJ3 Wed, 18 Nov 2015 21:37:27 +0000 Rockwell Collins announced at NBAA’s Business Aircraft Convention and Exposition the addition of the Cessna Citation CJ series of light business jets to the growing list of platforms to be retrofitted with its Pro Line Fusion touch screen avionics suite. Rockwell Collins partnered with Duncan Aviation, which will initially start with an STC retrofit for … Continued

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Rockwell Collins announced at NBAA’s Business Aircraft Convention and Exposition the addition of the Cessna Citation CJ series of light business jets to the growing list of platforms to be retrofitted with its Pro Line Fusion touch screen avionics suite.

Rockwell Collins partnered with Duncan Aviation, which will initially start with an STC retrofit for the CJ3. Craig Olson, Rockwell Collins’ vice president and general manager of business and regional systems, and Duncan Aviation’s vice president of sales, marketing and business development, Steve Gade, inked the deal at Rockwell Collins’ booth at the Las Vegas Convention Center on the opening day of NBAA2015.

The supplemental type certification is expected by the end of next year. The retrofit will take approximately three weeks to complete at a cost ranging from $315,000 to $325,000 depending on the previous configuration of the panel, said Adam Evanschwartz, director of marketing, business and regional aviation commercial systems at Rockwell Collins.

In addition to modernizing the panel with three 14.1-inch touch screens, the system incorporates the latest in avionics technology including ADS-B In and Out; precision GPS approaches; Rockwell Collins’ synthetic vision, including the patented airport domes; and much more. The system can be upgraded with the company’s head-up guidance system, enhanced vision system, MultiScan weather radar and more.

The Pro Line Fusion retrofit is already available for the Beechcraft King Air series. Evanschwartz said the Citation CJ1+, CJ2 and CJ2+ will be next in line for the STC.

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Sandel Unveils King Air Retrofit Cockpit Tue, 17 Nov 2015 20:16:54 +0000 Sandel, a name from the avionics world you might not be intimately familiar with, has unveiled a retrofit cockpit for the King Air 200 that is as noteworthy for the capabilities it packs inside as it is for its unusual pricing strategy. The new Sandel Avilon avionics system includes four large LCD flight displays, two … Continued

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Sandel, a name from the avionics world you might not be intimately familiar with, has unveiled a retrofit cockpit for the King Air 200 that is as noteworthy for the capabilities it packs inside as it is for its unusual pricing strategy.

The new Sandel Avilon avionics system includes four large LCD flight displays, two smaller data entry touch screens, radios, flight management computers, dual AHRS, audio panel, ADS-B-compliant Mode S transponder, and flight director/autopilot (minus the autopilot servos, which are retained). Here’s the kicker. The guaranteed installed price is $175,000.

That figure is sure to pique the interest of King Air 200 owners who have been quoted a price of close to $100,000 for the labor alone to install competing systems.

Sandel Avionics president and CEO Gerry Block explained that the installation cost is predicted to be so low because the entire new Avilon instrument panel is shipped to dealers as essentially one piece.

“It takes only about five days to install our system, with 80 percent of the work being removal of the old equipment,” he said.

Until now Sandel has been best known as a manufacturer of LED-backlit flight displays and terrain awareness and warning systems. The introduction of the Avilon cockpit, revealed to the aviation press at the NBAA Convention in Las Vegas yesterday, takes the company to a new level.

“We have been working on this for many years,” Block said.

The system is currently flying in a company King Air 200 certification test bed. First customer installations are expected next summer. Sandel has partnered with three dealers in the United States (Stevens Aviation, Cutter Aviation and Landmark Aviation) and one in Canada (Rocky Mountain Aircraft), which all have agreed to honor the guaranteed $175,000 fly-away price.

It’s an interesting approach since not every King Air is equipped with the same level of technology. The installation, for example, will be much easier if the airplane already has a WAAS antenna. If not, the price remains the same and the dealer install one.

“There are a lot of King Air cockpit retrofit choices, but very few people have been buying them because they are just too expensive to justify,” Block said. “We think this price will and the capability our cockpit offers will get a lot of King Air operators off the fence.”

Garmin, BendixKing and Rockwell Collins all offer retrofit cockpits for the King Air 200.

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Garmin and P&WC Join in King Air Upgrade Promo Thu, 12 Nov 2015 22:18:48 +0000 Garmin and Pratt & Whitney Canada have teamed up to offer major discounts for King Air operators who are ready to upgrade their airplanes’ avionics and engines. King Air 300/350 owners who purchase two new P&WC PT6A-60A engines under the Fleet Enhancement Program (FEP) may qualify to receive a free Garmin G1000 avionics suite. Other … Continued

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Garmin and Pratt & Whitney Canada have teamed up to offer major discounts for King Air operators who are ready to upgrade their airplanes’ avionics and engines.

King Air 300/350 owners who purchase two new P&WC PT6A-60A engines under the Fleet Enhancement Program (FEP) may qualify to receive a free Garmin G1000 avionics suite. Other King Air owners can expect to save as much as $105,000.

The G1000 upgrade enables operators to take advantage of integrated autopilot capabilities, coupled precision WAAS approaches, traffic, weather and more. The new installation also includes the soon-to-be required ADS-B Out.

Adding to the benefits of having access to the latest avionics technology, the G1000 installation removes around 200 lbs of hardware, providing operators with a much-appreciated useful load increase.

In addition to Pratt & Whitney’s FEP program the PT6SMART Flat Rate Engine Exchange Program and Converter Enhancement Program (CEP) qualify for the incentive program. Factory new engines often result in increased range, speed and fuel efficiency, P&WC said. With a full warranty, the maintenance costs are also lower.

The promotion will be offered through January 29, 2016. Customers who have made major upgrades in the past year may also qualify for incentives.

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Garmin Introduces GTC 580 Touchscreen Controller Fri, 11 Sep 2015 19:59:55 +0000 From Garmin’s latest offerings comes the GTC 580, a new touchscreen controller option for the G2000, G3000 and G5000 integrated flight decks. The high-resolution landscape display adds standby flight display capabilities while using the same GTC 570 interface that provides full flight deck management control, such as flight planning, radio and audio management, and weather … Continued

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From Garmin’s latest offerings comes the GTC 580, a new touchscreen controller option for the G2000, G3000 and G5000 integrated flight decks. The high-resolution landscape display adds standby flight display capabilities while using the same GTC 570 interface that provides full flight deck management control, such as flight planning, radio and audio management, and weather systems control.

The GTC 580’s SFD offers flight attitude information, airspeed, barometric altitude and heading information. The screen comes in a 5.8-inch liquid crystal display (LCD) and 1280 x 768 resolution. It also boasts an infrared touchscreen making it faster and more responsive and can even be used with gloves.

In conjunction with GTC 580’s launch, Cirrus Aircraft announced the Cirrus Perspective Touch by Garmin for their Vision SF50 Jet. Specifically designed for the new personal jet, the touchscreen-based flight deck features three of the GTC 580 touchscreen controllers under the PFD and MFD.

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Garmin G500 and G600 Get Major Makeover Thu, 16 Apr 2015 20:24:21 +0000 Garmin is rolling out a significant update for the G500 and G600 retrofit glass cockpits designed to give the avionics a fresh, new look while also providing faster mapping display capability to go along with a host of additional features. Garmin says improved dynamic maps in the G500/G600 flight display system are being carried over … Continued

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Garmin is rolling out a significant update for the G500 and G600 retrofit glass cockpits designed to give the avionics a fresh, new look while also providing faster mapping display capability to go along with a host of additional features.

Garmin says improved dynamic maps in the G500/G600 flight display system are being carried over from the GTN 650/750 touchscreen avionics, resulting in “vivid and superior display quality” that pilots will notice.

The avionics maker is also bringing several advanced new capabilities to the cockpits, including WireAware wire-strike avoidance technology that graphically overlays power line locations and height information on the moving map. Smart Airspace integration, meanwhile, makes it easier for pilots to identify what airspace lies ahead. The feature “conveniently highlights the airspace nearest to the aircraft’s current altitude and de-emphasizes non-pertinent airspace so pilots can quickly distinguish their location to the relevant airspace around them,” Garmin said.

Garmin is also bringing its Vantage ADS-B integration to the G500/G600 with the optional GDL 88 ADS-B datalink, offering display of ADS-B traffic and subscription-free Flight Information Service-Broadcast (FIS-B) weather on the flight displays. A new technology called TerminalTraffic provides pilots with a comprehensive picture of ADS-B-equipped aircraft and ground vehicles in the airport environment, Garmin says.

Enhancing the traffic display, TargetTrend relative motion technology helps pilots visualize the trend of traffic as it relates to their aircraft, while innovative dual-link technology provides pilots with the most comprehensive ADS-B traffic picture available in the industry. For customers with synthetic vision technology (SVT) enabled, traffic targets are also displayed on the PFD.

Garmin is also introducing weather display enhancements for G500/G600 for buyers who fly with the GWX 70 and GWX 68 airborne weather radar, GDL 69 datalink receiver and WX-500 Stormscope.

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