
Why Are Some Airport Buildings Painted in a Checkerboard Pattern?

The FAA has determined that some structures need to be more visible than others during daylight hours.
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How Many Hours in What Aircraft Are Needed Before Commercial Check Ride?

Does it have to be in a complex or technically advanced aircraft all the way?
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Can I Fly VFR in Smoke?

In times of wildfires, note where the fires are and which way the winds are blowing.
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Why Do Pilots Use Checklists?

The main purpose is to ensure specific items are inspected correctly, and memorization never hurts.
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Who Is PIC When 2 Certificated Pilots Fly Together?

It’s important to verbally communicate the responsibilities before a flight.
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What Airport Areas Are Considered Tarmac?

Tarmac pavement as it is known today was originally inspired by an accident outside a factory.
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Does ASOS Have a Built-in Lightning Detection?

If an automated surface observation system does not have a lightning sensor in the array, it may still report lightning.
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Why Do Runways Get Renumbered?

Every five years, such decisions are based on how much the Earth’s magnetic field changes.
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Is It Possible to Legally Fly a Cessna 150 as an LSA?

The requirement for light sport aircraft is a maximum gross weight of no more than 1,320 pounds for land-based aircraft.
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What If the CFI Forgets to Sign Your Logbook?

Flight experience needs to be documented but not necessarily in the pilot logbook.
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